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online (selected)


(Click Journal Titles for Links)



Boston Review


Colorado Review












Poetry Daily


Sink Review


Tupelo Quarterly


UCity Review


Verse Daily


Western Humanities Review


print journals (selected)


Michigan Quarterly Review: "Here but Elsewhere" series of poems—winner of the                                                         Goldstein Poetry Prize


Florida Review: "Bedtime Story with Eagle and Sun" and "On Ice"

                                     and "Snow Machines"—finalist for the Editor's Prize in Poetry 


Atlanta Review: "Tundra Forms" and "Arctic Negative" 


Worcester Review: "Dancing in Atqasuk, AK" 


Moon City Review: "Summer Camp" and "Last Sunset"


Laurel Review: "Here but Elsewhere" and "Territories"  


Sonora Review: "Outside (Of Life)" 


Southern Review: "Three Versions" and "Poem with Ice and Breakup"


Mississippi Review: Summer 2020 – "Radiation Hotel,"

                                                                   Finalist for the Mississippi Review Prize


Dogwood: Spring 2020 – "Here but Elsewhere: Two Versions," 

                                                 Finalist for the Dogwood Poetry Prize



Poems have appeared widely in various literary journals. Examples include:


Arts & Letters, “The Trouble” and “Desire Swells”; Colorado Review, “Compassed”; “Note to Self”; and “Our Chemistry Is Desire”; Copper Nickel, “Los Angeles”; Crazyhorse, "Safe Distance"; Dogwood, “Here but Elsewhere”: Field, “Living as Magnets”; Mississippi Review, “Radiation Hotel”: Permafrost, “Backyard Orchard”; “Malibu, February”;Shampoo, “Weather”; Sugar House Review, "Re-Placed"; Whiskey Island, “Season Turns Conditional”

Compass -- Gravel.jpg
Lois Elling Image -- Compassed.jpg

Missouri State University Visiting Writers Series

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